Pamposh’s Journey to Self Discovery
For many years, I was very happy to be a journalist and public communication specialist. Then, suddenly, the beautiful energy of Reiki entered my life. Meditation, mindfulness and counselling followed.
That was truly the start of my journey to self-discovery. But perhaps everything that went before led me to each stage of the journey. My communication skills come in useful in everything I do today: counselling, healing, teaching Reiki and mindfulness. My Indian heritage and my Western education combine to bring me a beautiful perspective on life, spiritual and practical at the same time. And the opportunity to live in 9 countries on 3 continents has truly broadened my horizons and also taught me to connect to people from different cultural backgrounds.
So the ground may have been prepared much earlier for the work I do today. But it was Reiki and meditation that transformed my life and brought me so much peace, even in difficult times, that I felt I had to share these amazing gifts with others.
Unfold Your Highest Potential with Terataii
Being fortunate enough to have found a measure of inner peace and inner stability in my own life, I now do my best to help others find these treasures for themselves, through personal, corporate and school programs.
– Terataii founder Pamposh Dhar