
4 Paths – Essential Teachings from the Bhgagavad Gita

4 Paths – Teachings from the Bhagavad Gita

7 and 8 March 2020, from 2 to 6 p.m.

An in-depth look at the four paths to moksha (freedom), plus practical exercises to help you start to apply the teachings.

You will learn about:

  • the four paths: gyana yoga, bhakti yoga, karma yoga and raja yoga (the paths of knowledge, devotion and action, and the royal path)
  • how to identify your path, or combination of paths
  • the principles underpinning each of the paths
  • how to walk your path – practical applications to real-life situations

This will be a highly interactive workshop, so that you learn, absorb and start to apply the teachings.

Whichever path you follow, you will have to apply it in this world through your action. For example: you could choose to walk the path of bhakti yoga (devotion), but how will you feel, express and act on the devotion you feel? The Gita tells us that life is not possible without action and that nothing changes in your life without action. The practical exercises will focus on this aspect of action.

Workshop Facilitator: Pamposh Dhar
Venue: The Terataii Centre, 1001 Bukit Timah Road, The Sterling #01-06, S 596288
Cost: $150 for both afternoons.


A brief introduction to the Bhagavad Gita and its place in Vedic philosophy.
An introduction to the 4 paths.
Gyana yoga: explanation, Q&A and discussion
To what extent do you walk this path of knowledge? How do you do that?
Bhakti yoga: explanation, Q&A and discussion
To what extent do you walk this path of devotion? How do you do that?
Karma yoga: explanation, Q&A and discussion
To what extent do you walk this path of action? How do you do that?
Raja yoga (the royal path): explanation, Q&A and discussion
To what extent do you walk this path, which is a combination of the other three paths? How do you do that?

Next Steps:
Will your life change after this workshop? How?
Next Steps – Individual plans that each participant will make (with inputs from me, if needed). The plan may be simple and perhaps not fully fleshed out – or it may be a clear blueprint for change! This will depend on whatever you are ready for and either way is absolutely fine.

To register, please email terataii@gmail.com


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